HP LoadRunner, now known as Micro Focus LoadRunner, is a comprehensive performance testing tool used for testing the scalability, performance, and load handling capabilities of applications. It simulates multiple virtual users interacting with an application or system under test, allowing organizations to assess how their systems behave under various levels of stress. LoadRunner helps developers and QA teams identify bottlenecks, capacity issues, and potential performance flaws before a product is deployed to a live environment.

The key components of LoadRunner include the Virtual User Generator (VuGen), Controller, and Analysis. The Virtual User Generator (VuGen) allows users to record and create scripts that simulate user actions and interactions with the application being tested. These scripts can be customized to reflect a variety of real-world user behaviors, such as browsing a website, filling out forms, or performing searches. The Controller is used to orchestrate and manage the execution of these scripts, distributing them across virtual machines or load generators to simulate a high number of concurrent users. Lastly, the Analysis component is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and presenting the test results. It provides detailed metrics, including response times, throughput, and resource utilization, helping testers identify performance bottlenecks.

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